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Across the Ditch

Across the Ditch est inspiré par le guerrier, qui se bat pour la justice de ceux qui n'en ont pas.

Une superbe monture d'art - portez cette monture pour vraiment vous démarquer de la foule. Le pont évidé et les embouts équilibrent parfaitement ce design.

Une monture optique en tissu unique, en édition limitée et faite à la main par  

The Elusive Miss Lou.

Taille: 51 - 17 - 143  Forme: Rectangulaire

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Life Purple

Amsterdam - Netherlands - “...Amsterdam is a city of freedoms; it feels like a place on the forefront of societal thinking, while having deep historic roots. The canals are beautiful in the winter with lights reflecting off the water. It is truly a magical place. The tulip markets are a big draw for me in particular. Every which way there are new tulips to see, each with a rich story to tell and a friendly face excited to tell it. You can imagine the city, as with many European cities, the times before, when artists walked the streets and aristocrats, merchants and royalty frequented the local establishments. It is a city of history and thought...” - The Memoirs of Miss Lou pg. 210

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Mind Brights

India-Pakistan at Wagah-Attari - “...nothing I’ve seen comes close to the border ceremony I witnessed in the Kashmir region of India. Having spent some time in India, I had grown used to the vibrant colours and sensory overload of the cities, but this crossing was something to behold. The border guards, dressed spectacularly in their crisp uniforms performed with extraordinary flexibility and precision, while a deep sense of tradition fell like a blanket over the substantial crowd. I could not help but be reminded of exotic birds as I looked on in wonder, but I wouldn’t have said that aloud…” - The Memoirs of Miss Lou pg. 143

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Aqua + Mint


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Sardinian Flowers

San Pantaleo, Sardinia “... and I knew I would never make that mistake again, no matter how much fun it was. This brings me to the time I spent in Sardinia. An old acquaintance had reached out to me with an invitation to their Villa in Porto Rotondo, they had let on that this was a dinner party not to be missed. So along I went, with little expectation, and found myself shoulder to shoulder with the high life. It was a marvellous dinner and I had a wonderful conversation with the most fascinating gent. He offered me a trip inland to see the mountains from San Pantaleo, one I readily accepted. The next day we were off. It was wonderful, after the glitz and glam of the seaside to feel among real people again in what, I am no doubt not alone in saying, was the most picturesque town in all the world and certainly my travels....” - The Memoirs of Miss Lou pg. 146

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Red Blue Mosaic

Argentina-Chile, across the Andes Mountains - “...I find that when faced with monumental natural landscapes I cannot help but feel the heavy weight of perspective rest upon my shoulders. Crossing the Argentina – Chile border through the Andes Mountains was one of these times. I have been few places that have shared the sheer sense of remoteness, while making me feel so a part of the world, I could not leave that place without being inspired…” - The Memoirs of Miss Lou pg. 98

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