Die Flamme
Lass deine Flamme hell leuchten - du bist erstaunlich!
Diese kleine kantige Schönheit ist ein Hingucker – perfekt ausbalanciert und ach so hübsch.
Ein einzigartiger, handgefertigter optischer Stoffrahmen in limitierter Auflage by
Die schwer fassbare Miss Lou.
Größe: 51–16–143 Form: Eckig

Just a few pieces left!

She's back in stock! Huzzah!

Raja Amat, Indonesia – “… had me laughing hysterically as we ate overlooking the beautiful islands of Raja Amat.  I had grown accustomed to my semi aquatic life and felt a deep draw towards the jungles of the islands. I organised for a five-day trek through the jungle to see some of the more remote parts of the islands and the views that we saw were simply breathtaking.  The islands rising like knucklebones from the middle of the ocean on all sides I felt as though I was standing on the game b

Home - Australia “…yet on the unfortunate occurrence of his passing, I happened to inherit his cat, one Domino, a black and white short hair of some poise and character. She was a high cat, often sitting on top of one bookcase or another and surveying her kingdom. Something she and I had in common. That is surveying our kingdoms, not sitting on bookcases, although there have been times when a bookcases perspective has been needed, and indeed, helped a lot in the encapsulation and germination of